
In May, 2011, the Junior League of Sacramento established an endowment fund with the Sacramento Region Community Foundation.

Vision:  Grow the Junior League of Sacramento Endowment Fund to $1M to provide a perpetual source of funds to support the League’s mission.  These funds will Ensure the Future and all its Possibilities.

Mission:  The annual distribution from the endowment fund will be used to support the Junior League of Sacramento’s mission; to continue to meet the needs of the region by being the venture capitalist of the non-profit sector and spinning off successful programs.  The fund distribution will be administered by the Board of Directors of the Junior League of Sacramento in accordance with JLS bylaws and policies.

Donate:  Make a tax-deductible donation via VISA or Mastercard through the Sacramento Region Community Foundation website.  Select “Junior League of Sacramento” in the “Please use my donation for:” drop down menu, after clicking here.

Or, make a tax-deductible donation via check payable to:

Junior League of Sacramento Endowment Fund
Sacramento Region Community Foundation
955 University Avenue, Suite A
Sacramento, CA 95825

More Information:  For more information, please
contact endowment@jlsac.org or 916.921.1096.

Endowment Advisory Board:  The Endowment Advisory Board was established to lay the groundwork for creating a viable endowment for our League.  This group of women represents members from the 1960s to the present.

As of April 3, 2018

Amy Wister, Chair
Susan Bitar
Julie Bugatto
Sheri Chow, Secretary
Maggie Cox, Treasurer
Stefanie Ellis
Melissa Munno
Tammy Murray
Heidi Pyle
Mary Rotelli
Laurie Somerhausen
Nancy Stebbins
Paulette Trainor
Holly Wong